Working in the Arts for Over Forty Years Manus Walsh the grandson of author Maurice Walsh and Irish language writer Sean O’ Kiersey was born in Dubl...
Read MoreWorking in the Arts for Over Forty Years Manus Walsh the grandson of author Maurice Walsh and Irish language writer Sean O’ Kiersey was born in Dubl...
Read MoreAwarded the Artist’s Residency Programme at IMMA Dublin born Mary-Ruth Walsh received a B.A. in Fine Art and Art History from the National Colle...
Read MoreStudied at The Rijks Academie Gerda Teljeur moved to Ireland in 1967 after studying at the Rijks Academie and IVKNO [now Rietveld Academie], Amsterdam...
Read MoreResided in Berlin for Twenty Two Years Born in Dublin in 1952, John Noel Smith attended Dun Laoghaire School of Art followed by postgraduate studies i...
Read MoreAbstract Compositions in Paint Paul Doran was born in Gorey, Co. Wexford in 1972 and he studied a Masters in Fine Art at the National College of Art a...
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